Welcome 2024, I hope that 2024 will bring happiness, blessing and success to my business. Of course every year, I always have new hopes and new goals. All this hopes were made, so that my family and I would have a better life than before.
Although sometimes there are also years that are even worse than the previous year. But I am still grateful for everything, because I am still given health and a long life.
Recap of My Business in 2023
After pandemic, wich caused my travel to decline sharply or in words it was suspended with no income from 2021 to mid-2022.
I tried to get up again, reorganize the business strategy well, carrying out more branding and promotions, of course with limited financial conditions. It's actually my mental condition that I also raise, so that I don't keep going down.
OK, I started recapping my business trip in 2023 yesterday.
In 2021, my husband and I decided to make our own Hajj and Umrah Travel. Namely Baitullah Cahaya Lillah (BCL). After almost 10 years of collaboration with other people, BCL Travel was finally founded.
Qadarullah the pandemic hit and in October 2022, we finally departed the first 85 jamaah or pilgrims. Masya Allah tabarakallah. At first, I really didn't believe that we could also flying Umroh pilgrims with our own travel flag.
In 2023, even though we won't fly umroh pilgrims every month, thanks to Allah, BCL Travel can fly pilgrims in the month of Ramadhan 2023. Next after Ramadhan, My BCL Travel can fly the Furoda Hajj pilgrims 😍.
After the Hajj period is over, starting from September to December 2023, we will be able to send Umroh pilgrims every month.
In fact, at the end of last November 2023, the Regent of the South Buru - North Maluku area (Ibu Bupati Buru Selatan - Maluku Utara), on the recomendation of the local Ministry of Religion in South Buru (Kemenag Buru Selatan), went on Umroh with her staff with BCL Travel. An honor for me and my BCL Travel.
Still in November, thanks to Allah, the legal permit of Baitullah Cahaya Lillah Travel has been issued by the Indonesia Ministry of Religion office. So we are officially legal as a travel agent for Umroh and Hajj travel agents in Indonesia, without needing to collaborate with other travelers to use their permits again.
My travel business journey is still long and there are still many tasks that need to be done to develop my travel business.
Therefore, I always ask and pray to Allah SWT to ensure that the BCL Travel business continues to run smoothly, remain trustworthy and can become Top Ten Hajj and Umroh travel with the largest, best quality and sending the most pilgrims in Indonesia Country. Aamiin YRA.
I think that's the story of my business recap in 2023. I also pray that all my friend's businesses in 2024 will also develop, scale up and be successful.
Sorry if the writing in my article in English is still not good. I'm trying to write another article in english...
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