Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011 Opening Show Styling Modernity: A Tribute to Kebaya
Sorry for late posting this event..I really been busy this a couple of week..
Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011 Opening Show Styling Modernity: A Tribute to Kebaya ..
17 Desainer Indonesia meramaikan Opening nya Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011 lewat kreasi Kebaya yang mengambil tema A Tribute to Kebaya.
17 Desainer Indonesia meramaikan Opening nya Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011 lewat kreasi Kebaya yang mengambil tema A Tribute to Kebaya.
Semua orang Indonesia termasuk negara-negara yang terletak di kawasan Asia Tenggara sudah pasti mengenal Kebaya. Kebaya identik dengan kata-kata "Tradisional" dan "Wanita".Ragam Kebaya model kebaya dari setiap daerah yang ada di negara kita.
Misalnya Kebaya yang dipakai oleh wanita dari daerah Jawa berbeda dengan kebaya yang dipakai oleh wanita dari Sumatera, Sulawesi dan sebagainya.
Lewat Opening Show dalam event JFW '10/11 para desainer-desainer papan atas Indonesia menampilkan kreasi rancangan kebaya mereka dengan mengusung tema A Tribute to Kebaya.
Para desainer tersebut adalah antara lain: Adjie Notonegoro, Afif Syakur, Anne Avantie, Ari Seputra, Edward Hutabarat, Ferry Sunarto, Ghea Panggabean, Harry Darsono, Lenny Agustin, Marga Alam, Musa Widyatmojo, Museum Afif Syakur, Priyo Oktaviano, Raden Sirait, Ramli, Suzy Lucon, dan Widhi Budimulia.
Sorry for late posting this event..I really been busy this a couple of week..Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011 Opening Show Styling Modernity: A Tribute to Kebaya ..
17 Designers Indonesia enliven Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011 opening through creation Kebaya which takes the theme of A Tribute to Kebaya ..
17 Designers Indonesia enliven Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011 opening through creation Kebaya which takes the theme of A Tribute to Kebaya ..
All the people of Indonesia, including the countries located in Southeast Asia is certainly familiar with Kebaya. Kebaya synonymous with the words "Traditional" and "Women".
Variety Kebaya from every region in our country. For example Kebaya is worn by women from Java is different with the kebaya worn by a woman from Sumatra, Sulawesi and ext. Through the event JFW Opening Show '10 / 11 of the top designers Indonesian kebaya designs featuring their creations with the theme A Tribute to Kebaya.
The designers are among others: Adjie Notonegoro, Afif Syakur, Anne Avantie, Ari Seputra, Edward Hutabarat, Ferry Sunarto, Ghea Panggabean, Harry Darsono, Lenny Agustin, Marga Nature, Moses Widyatmojo, Afif Museum Syakur, Priyo Oktaviano, Raden Sirait, Ramli, Suzy Lucon, and Widhi Budimulia
Berikut saya ingin mengomentari koleksi dari beberapa desainer papan atas kita
Here I want to comment on a collection of some of our top designers
Kebaya koleksi Adjie Notonegoro ini mengambil bahan dasar dari velvet, didesain sangat Jawa sekali dengan bordiran berwarna emas. Terlihat sangat 'megah' dan 'bangsawan' sekali
Kebaya collection Adjie Notonegoro takes the basic ingredients of velvet, his design is so very "Javanies" with gold embroidered. Looks very so 'glorious' and 'noble'.
Sedangkan Anne Avantie menampilkan kebaya klasik berwarna putih yang dilengkapi dengan stagen dan selendang dari kain jumputan. Untuk padanannya dipilih batik motif klasik.
While Anne Avantie featuring classic white kebaya completed with Stagen and scarves from fabric jumputan. For the corresponding selected classic batik motifs.
Bukan rahasia lagi kalau seluruh koleksi Lenny Agustin selalu terlihat energic, modern dan stylish. Kali ini Lenny menampilkan kebaya dengan gaya edgy dengan memadupadankan warna serta potonga-potongan kebaya yang unik dan menarik.
It's no secret that the entire collection of Lenny Agustin always visible energic, modern and stylish. This time Lenny display kebaya with edgy style with a mix and match colors and a very unique cutting for her design.
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"Styling Modernity: A Tribute to Kebaya," the 2010/2011 Jakarta Fashion Week Opening Show, was an enthralling celebration of Indonesia's cultural legacy mixed with a modern edge. In honor of the famous kebaya, designers unveiled creative adaptations that skillfully combined vintage details with contemporary style. Bold silhouettes, delicate embroidery, and elaborate lacework glistened on the runway, representing the development of Indonesian fashion. Models exuded confidence as they walked, perfectly capturing the grace and refinement of the kebaya in a multicultural setting. This exhibition highlighted Indonesian fashion's relevance and timeless appeal in the contemporary world while simultaneously upholding heritage and launching it onto the global scene.
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What an incredible tribute to the kebaya at the Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011 opening show! It’s amazing to see how traditional attire can be reimagined with a modern twist while still honoring its cultural roots. The blend of heritage and contemporary fashion truly showcases the creativity of the designers. This show must have been a visual feast—thanks for sharing this beautiful celebration of style and tradition! chances of going to jail for reckless driving in virginia
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What a stunning tribute to the Kebaya at Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011! The fusion of modern styling with this traditional garment showcases both respect for cultural heritage and a bold fashion-forward vision. It’s inspiring to see how designers are bringing new life to the Kebaya, making it relevant and chic for today's fashion scene. This show clearly highlights the beauty and significance of Indonesian culture through a contemporary lens. Thank you for sharing this captivating review! attorneys fairfax va
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